Become the famous friendly snowman created with Elsa’s magical powers, with the Children’s Frozen Olaf Costume. This costume includes an all in one black and white jumpsuit, featuring three black buttons on the front and a headpiece with Olaf’s cute face.
This is a perfect costume that’s not just for Christmas. Your kids will love to wear it to Frozen or TV and movie fancy dress parties.
This is a perfect costume that’s not just for Christmas. Your kids will love to wear it to Frozen or TV and movie fancy dress parties.
Includes: Jumpsuit & Headpiece
Size Guide | |
Kids Age 3-4 | Small Age 3-4 Height 104cm, Waist 51cm |
Kids Age 5-6 | Medium Age 5-6 Height 116cm, Waist 53cm |
Toddlers Age 2-3 | Toddler 2-3 Years Height 98cm, Waist 50cm |